Messy Church

Local Events  |  16 March, 2013 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Location: Stanborough Park Centre

The rooms are buzzing with conversation. Around tables adults and children burst into laughter as they wrestle with metallic tubing and googly eyes and their teenage helpers despair of ever creating the promised artifact.

A toddler slaps green paint on a huge sheet of card under the watchful eye of a Granny (not sure if they're related or not - it doesn't really matter). A five-year-old watches wide-eyed as an enthusiastic leader shows her how to bang in a nail.

There's a delicious smell wafting out of the kitchen. The ten-year-olds, intent on their glass painting, agree it must be jacket potatoes. The vicar takes a photo of the surreal result of the junk modeling and two mums catch up on the gossip as they drink welcome cups of tea and slowly decorate gift bags while their children make something unidentifiable but very chocolaty upstairs.

The cooks should be getting the plates stacked, but one of the mums needs to talk about her problems with her foster children.

I would be panicking about the story for the celebration later, but there's a huge collage of The Great Banquet to assemble before five o'clock, the powder paint has proved a formidable weapon of mess creation in the hands of a few, and we've barely got started on the lettering and whoops, someone's kicked over the gluepot...

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