
Announced by Peter Walton on 10 October, 2020

Prayer Meeting Zoom ID has been changed to 89546335143 passcode 777.


Parking for Disabled Members Please will all blue badge holders notify me of their name and their car registration number. The church has a legal duty to ensure that there are enough accessible spaces for regular attendees, and we need to know the number required. Contact Joy: 01923 461044 or  


Women Ministry - Weekly prayer meeting on Zoom every Friday at 6:30pm. Meeting ID: 853 7558 6804 & Passcode: 615610 (new Zoom details)

Men's Ministry - Prayer Meeting from 9pm on Tuesdays.
Zoom ID: 519 552 6863 & Passcode: Pray3r

Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting is taking place in the Sanctuary. Zoom Meeting ID: 721 857 1482; Passcode: pray3r 

Parallel website 

Parallel Sabbath School class has started at the back of the main sanctuary. Please join us.

If you have private Prayer Requests, please place them in the Prayer Box or you can email Please note the change in the email address.