Men's Cycling

Local Events  |  15 April, 2018 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Location: Church car park (rear)

Men of all ages are invited to our next cycling event subject to good weather. All abilities welcome.

We have two circular routes:

1) Caters for beginners/newest joiners coming back to cycling after a long break from excercise. This would be the initial circuit and would typically be for 6-10 miles in distance or 40-70 minutes in duration.

The first route would involve all cyclists and we would return to the starting point for a short break.

2) This would be for the more experienced and fitter group. The pace is faster and the distance covered longer. Depending on who turns up, the distance could be anywhere from 10-20 miles and take 40 to 90 minutes.


9:30-10am is route sharing and bike checks

10am is a prompt push-off

Practical advice is available if required along with guidance on bike maintenance, as well as optimum pace and cadence.

What you need to bring:

  • Cycling helmets
  • Puncture repair kits
  • Water bottles to maintain hydration
  • Food for energy (for those doing the longer distances)

Do come along and enjoy some fresh air, beautiful scenery, a feeling of achievement, and to socialise and form mutually, supportive friendships.

For more information, please email Arto Keshishian.